‘Forgiveness can be important in order to rebuild our sense of who we are after a significant loss.’
Tayyab explains that loss is universal and most people recover from those losses over time. When a grieving person blames themselves or someone else for the loss and is unable to forgive, or is unable to forgive a person who has died for something they did or didn’t do – this can get in the way of healing and recovery.
Tayyab discusses strategies for helping people come to forgiveness. He shares the strengths he has seen people draw upon after loss – including perspective, persistence and courage.
Dr Tayyab Rashid, works as a therapist and researcher at the University of Toronto in Canada. Author of Positive Psychotherapy with Prof Martin Seligman and developer of the Strengths-based Resilience program, Tayyab specialises in helping people learn how they can adopt strengths-based approaches to face life’s challenges. He is widely acknowledged for bringing a cross-cultural perspective to strengths-based work.