Our engaging keynotes, live training, webinars and online resources will help you embed the language and actionable skills of Resilient Mindsets across your organisation.
“Really good sessions, well presented, engaging and thought provoking.”
Kick start your resilience at work programme with a keynote from our co-founders Dr Lucy Hone and Dr Denise Quinlan. Recognised as international thought-leaders in the field, let them build understanding and buy-in for resilience in your workplace.

Unrivalled for their experience, both Lucy and Denise have been researching and communicating how to build personal, team and organisational resilience for decades.
“Real-Time Resilience is now available exclusively from The Wellbeing Works.”
Realtime Resilience just got Bigger and Better
In response to growing demand for workplace resilience, NZIWR is delighted to announce we now have a team dedicated solely to workplace wellbeing.
Led by Kim Tay and Sally Murray, The Wellbeing Works is now the exclusive provider of our globally popular Real-Time Resilience workshop series.
Already familiar to many of you, Kim and her team will continue to deliver the same great content with their trademark humour, caring, and uplifting style.
Free Workplace Wellbeing Workshop
Delivered online, this session will focus on current workplace challenges, including managing morale and dealing with stress and difficult emotions.
You and your team will learn practical, science-based strategies proven to boost wellbeing and performance.
Click below to learn more and book your free workshop place.
This accessible workshop series equips staff with the common language and actionable steps to combat stress and support sustainable high performance. Delivered in a highly interactive and engaging way, each session covers the essential components of resilient mindsets.
Topics include mental agility, avoiding catastrophising, performance mindsets, overcoming self-sabotage, managing stress and avoiding burnout and strategies for effective work relationships.
To book directly, contact Sally Murray on +64 27 222 8801 or Send Email

Kim Tay at the University of Auckland School of Business

“One of the best facilitators I’ve ever worked with. Really good session, well presented, engaging and thought provoking.”
Griffins’ NZ & Snackbrands Australia, Executive Lead Team
Why wellbeing at work?
Approximately $1.79 billion each year is lost due to workplace absence and stress
Organisations that prioritise employee engagement and wellbeing outperform the industry average by approximately 10% on the Financial Times Stock Exchange 100 Index
Every dollar spent creating a mentally healthy workplace has an average return on investment of 2.3x according to research by Beyond Blue and PwC