How can we build thriving learning communities by focusing on what’s strong and not what’s wrong?
Denise talks to Jillian Coppley, about Thriving Learning Communities — a programme that works by helping educators to focus on ‘what’s strong not what’s wrong’ in their students. Listen as Jillian explains how Thriving Learning Communities helps build self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship-building and responsible decision-making. Jillian talked to us from Cinncinnati Ohio during a huge storm outside so apologies for occasional sounds of thunder and alarms.
Jillian is president and CEO of Mayerson Academy, which for over 20 years has helped educators learn how to develop positive learning cultures and environments. Mayerson’s Thriving Learning Communities (TLC) programme build social and emotional competencies. It is a research-based approach to improving students’ social and emotional competencies by revealing and catalyzing individual character strengths.
For more information visit the Mayerson Academy website.