How can we look through our cultural lens and see our common humanity? — With Dr Tayyab RashidCultural, Education, Podcast, WellbeingBy NZIWR Team25/03/2020How can we look through our cultural lens and see our common humanity?… Details
Wellbeing learning for students and parents — with Dr Ase FagerlundEducation, Podcast, Teachers, WellbeingBy Debs Abrahams10/03/2020How can we help parents – as well as children – to learn… Details
Coaching for Whole-school Wellbeing — with Professor Christian van NiewerburghEducation, Podcast, Schools, WellbeingBy Debs Abrahams03/03/2020Can coaching be about whole-system change as well as individual support? In this… Details
Whole-school Wellbeing from a Coach’s Perspective — with Clive LeachEducation, Leadership, Podcast, WellbeingBy Debs Abrahams01/11/2019How do different schools address wellbeing? In this interview, Clive and Denise discuss… Details
Exploring Different Wellbeing Models — with Stephen EamesEducation, Leadership, New Zealand, Podcast, Schools, WellbeingBy Debs Abrahams11/10/2019Why does educator wellbeing matter for students? In this interview, Stephen and Denise… Details