How Restorative practices can contribute to school Wellbeing — with Greg Jansen
In this interview, Greg Jansen and Denise discuss how restorative practice is an integral part of wellbeing – supporting relational connection. Greg’s longstanding history with schools means that he understands how long it takes to embed a restorative culture (listen to find out!) and that it needs to always stay on the radar for staff professional development. Listen to find out why Greg believes we need to make sure our students and our children are participants and not passengers in the relationships we have with them.
Greg Jansen is an educational consultant/trainer working throughout New Zealand and internationally. He helps develop strong teaching and learning relationships through developing relational capacity and the use of restorative practices. Greg is a contributing author of Responsive Pedagogy – Engaging Restoratively with Challenging Behaviour. You can learn more about his work at: