Real-time Resilience #14: Ruth Robertson’s STRONG resilience modelCOVID-19, Relationships, Resilience, Wellbeing, WorkplaceBy NZIWR Team13/05/2020Denise spoke recently with Ruth Robertson, business psychologist and organisational and leadership development… Details
Real-time Resilience #13: Resilience for Athletes During Lockdown with Rachel McCannCOVID-19, Relationships, Research, Resilience, Responsiveness, WellbeingBy NZIWR Team05/05/2020Denise spoke to former New Zealand Blackstick Rachel McCann about how athletes have… Details
Real-time Resilience: Resilience for Athletes During Lockdown with Rachel McCannPodcast, Relationships, Research, Resilience, ResponsivenessBy NZIWR Team02/05/2020Denise spoke to New Zealand Blackstick Rachel McCann about how athletes have been… Details
Real-time Resilience: Leading teams who are working from home during challenging timesPodcast, Relationships, Resilience, Responsiveness, Schools, Teachers, Technology, Wellbeing, WorkplaceBy NZIWR Team08/04/2020Any person “conducting a business or undertaking” has a duty to manage the… Details
Real-time Resilience #5: Something for the Weekend: Whānau Quiz TimeCOVID-19, Families, Relationships, ResilienceBy NZIWR Team03/04/2020Sally, our Client Services wonder, is someone you might know. If you have… Details
Real-time Resilience: Not Killing Nigel – Staying Sane & Kind in Your BubblePodcast, Relationships, ResilienceBy NZIWR Team02/04/2020Denise talks with Lucy about the strategies she is using to avoid losing… Details
Real-time Resilience #3: Not Killing Nigel — Staying Sane and Kind in Your BubbleCOVID-19, Families, Relationships, ResilienceBy NZIWR Team01/04/2020Denise talks with Lucy about the strategies she is using to avoid losing… Details
The Neuroscience of Wellbeing — with Nathan WallisEducation, Podcast, Relationships, Schools, Teenagers, WellbeingBy Debs Abrahams18/12/2019What can we do to help children and adolescents develop secure attachments? Nathan… Details
How Restorative Practices Can Contribute to School Wellbeing — with Greg JansenEducation, New Zealand, Podcast, Publications, Relationships, Schools, WellbeingBy Debs Abrahams11/12/2019How Restorative practices can contribute to school Wellbeing — with Greg Jansen … Details
How Strengths-Based Approaches Support Wellbeing — with Dr Denise QuinlanEducation, Leadership, Podcast, Relationships, Schools, WellbeingBy Debs Abrahams06/11/2019What’s right with people? In this interview, Adrienne and Denise discuss strengths –… Details